How To Apply For Arms licenses In Pakistan

Arms LicensesMany people in Pakistan from different walks of life have serious concerns over lack of security and due to this, they require to keep weapons with them but the main problem is to have License of arms. Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan has issued the list terms and conditions for the people who want to keep Arms with them from different walks of life.

Eligibility for Fresh Arms License

 According to the list issued by the Ministry of Interior, these individuals and groups can apply for Arms licenses in Pakistan.

  • Citizens of Pakistan who pays Income tax and Agricultural tax are eligible to apply for arms license.
  • Officers of Civil and the Armed forces of BPS 1 and the above, Foreign Diplomats, Registered Security Companies, Professionals including Doctors, Engineers and Lawyers and other organizations or Individuals can also apply for Arms License.

Eligibility for Gratis Arms License

  • Recipients of Civil Military awards are eligible for having Arms license.
  • If any weapon is gifted to anyone by the Services Chiefs and President of Pakistan, they are also eligible to apply for Gratis Arms License.
  • Retired General Officers can also apply for this category of Arms license if they felt is necessary for them.

Eligibility for Inheritance Arms License

  • This type of license is issued to the legal heirs of the arms license holder if the license holder nominates any one family member can apply for license by presenting death certificate of the license holder and an affidavit from any family member nominating him for this license.

Requirements And Procedure to Apply for Arms License.

  • People already had Arms license of any category but the license booklet is lost or damaged can apply for the Duplicate license by providing Copy of FIR or Police report.
  • Bank Certificate which indicates the renewal record and entry Record of license or Weapon which is being maintained by the DCO concerned.
  • All licenses to be issued by only Ministry of Interior and not a single other department have authority to issue Arms license to anyone.

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