World’s Top 10 Poorest Countries With Lowest Per Capita Income

Poor CountriesIn this modern age of science and technology where developed nations spend much more on the luxuries as compared to their necessities, the poor nations are facing hunger. People in these countries can’t even able to fulfill their basic needs like food, clothes and health facilities. You can’t imagine their standard of living which is much lower than that of people having in the developed nations or first world.

This is just because of lack of resources, corruption, lack of economic policies and many other reasons. People in these countries migrate to other rich and developing nations to change their standard of living and to fulfill the basic needs of their families. On the basis of GDP or per capita income, the top 10 poorest countries of the world are as follows:

Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is at the top amongst the poorest countries of the world. The Gross Domestic Product of Central African Republic is only US $604, which is lowest in the world. The country is situated in the central Africa and is landlocked. Poverty, corruption and civil war are the basic reasons behind its poor condition and almost 90% of the population is affected by these conditions.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The second poorest country of the world is Democratic Republic of Congo. Civil war in the country is the basic reason of its worst economy that has also destructed its infrastructure. Crimes like corruption, mistreating women and lack of human rights are the basic reasons behind its worst condition. The Gross Domestic Product of Congo is only US $665. It has rich mineral resources like copper, diamond and cobalt but they are exploiting these.


Malawi which is officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country situated in southeast Africa. High poverty rate, lack of medical facilities and unemployment are the basic reasons behind its poor condition. The GDP of Malawi is US $748.


It is the country situated in southeast Africa with having population of more than 10 million. Food shortage, HIV and financial crisis are the main reasons of its worst condition. GDP of Burundi is approximately $887.


Liberia is also one of the poorest countries of the world situated in West Africa. The country is still surviving after 14 years long civil war. The population of Liberia is about 3.7 million with GDP of US $887.


Niger stood at 6th position in the list of top 10 poorest countries of the world with GDP of US $987. The country is located in the West Africa and about 6 million people are facing poverty and hunger.


Although the government of Mozambique took some serious steps to control the poverty but fails to do so yet. The country is lying in the South East Africa and agriculture is the main source of income. The Gross Domestic Product of Mozambique is approximately US $1046.


Eritrea is situated in Africa on red sea cost and 80% of its population adopts agriculture which is main source of income. Major export of Eritrea is metal and the GDP per capita of the country is about US $1197.


The country lies in the West Africa and industries are undeveloped just because of less than 30% literacy rate in Guinea. 20% of its populations lives in extremely bad economic and social conditions. The country is rich in mineral resources like Gold and Diamond but fails to use it yet. GDP per capita of Guinea is only US $991.


The country stood at the 10th position in the list of poorest countries of the world. It is situated on west coast of Africa with the population of about 6.7 million. Although Togo is the largest producer of Phosphate in the world but still facing worst economic conditions. The GDP of Togo is approximately US $899.

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