Routine Vaccination during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Children need to be protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. As we are aware that child visits and their vaccinations are essential services and help make sure children are sheltered. It is said those children who are not sheltered by vaccines may be more likely to get infections like measles and whooping cough.

Routine vaccines help protect children and adolescents from these serious diseases. Such as Childhood Tuberculosis (TB), Diarrhea, Diphtheria, Hepatitis-B, Measles, Meningitis, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Pneumonia, Polio, Tetanus, and Typhoid.

We as parents need to focus that, these timely vaccinations during our children’s childhood is essential because it helps provide our children immunity before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening illnesses. These vaccines are tested to ensure that they are harmless and effective for children to receive at the recommended ages.

The Pakistani government, in collaboration with Gavi and its Alliance partners, continues to work on strategies to maintain, restore and strengthen immunization efforts. Their complete emphasis on tailored services adapted to the needs of the community within the COVID-19 context.

Federal Expanded Program on Immunization has set the guidelines in-line with the World Health Organization the implementation to continue immunization services will be influenced by practicing physical distancing and adopting infection prevention and control techniques. Anticipated status of local COVID-19 spread (classified as no cases, periodic, clusters, or community transmission), and factors such as residents’ demographics and relocation patterns.

Following the guidance, it is emphasized that the fixed site immunization services and vaccine-preventable disease surveillance should be executed while maintaining physical distancing measures and appropriate infection control precautions, equipped with the necessary supplies. 

The “Expanded Programme of Immunization” (EPI) is the main programme through which routine immunization is provided to the public. Within Pakistan, it has encountered many problems since its inception. This includes logistical obstacles, parental and female awareness, and education, the influence of religious community leaders, and the complications that accompany conflict.

Also, an awareness campaign is being run by the EPI on various platforms that include social media as well.

#VaccinesWork 💉to protect against deadly and life-threatening diseases 🦠 Visit your nearest EPI center or health facility 🏥 for more information

Posted by The Expanded Programme on Immunization – Pakistan on Tuesday, November 3, 2020

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