How To Hide Picture On PC

aaaaaaaaSteganography is an skill of writing concealed messages or picture  so that no one can think the existence of the message. The sense of Steganography is hidden Writing and that is what it is going to be done. Akhbae nama tells you how to write down concealed text in Microsoft Windows text editor Notepad.

How to conceal Text in Notepad?

It is very simple, you just need to do few steps to conceal our text in Notepad. So let’s commence this lesson.

1. Firstly you have to perform is open Command Prompt from your Windows. We hope you know how to open it.
2. Then you need to go to your needed location by typing like this if you need to go into another drive then type in D: and press enter then if you need to alter directory in this drive then type cd directory alter  directory with your directory names. expect you obtain your needed location in Command Prompt.
3. Write in cmd notepad filename.txt:hidden and press enter, it would open a pop-up to enquire you to make this file just press Yes then you would observe a Notepad file where you want to write anything and save it.

It would create a file with name filename.txt in the drive you are using in Command Prompt. Now attempt to open that file from your drive, you would observe that there would not be any text but we wrote in when we made it first time.

If you want to see those pics then simple just perform the same steps we did and type innotepad filename.txt:hidden to open the hidden text.

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