Health Risks Associated With Traveling Overseas

Sydney: As thousands of youngsters plan to go down on Queensland’s gold coast or some other place in overseas for the yearly school week vacations, many are wishing for an unusual destination. Several students and parents think that traveling abroad is a secure choice, while doctors advise that there are a number of young people who are unaware of the health hazard they can face.

To stay away from disease like hepatitis-A, dengue fever and rabies the travel medicine specialist Dr Deborah Mills is advising high school graduates to make sure they are properly vaccinated before leaving Australia.

Dr Deborah said that the students can’t even realize that those things really exist. Dr Mills added that when they went to countries like Bali and were bitten by animals like monkey or dog they immediately called me in a very disturbed voice. They can even die in case bitten by any animal overseas and do not getting proper treatment.

Helen Driscoll who had finished her school last year had decided to travel to a planned schoolie event in Fiji.

Helen said that her parents were much happier for her that she was going to Fiji and remarked that it is a secure option than gold coast.

Karen Keiser who is a Victorian high school graduate and had worked as a volunteer at an orphanage in Argentina told that schoolies gives a good experience and she personally had gained much from such events.

Many companies are arranging such events abroad. Around 3,000 students were taken to Fiji last year by Unleashed Travels.

However in such events some awful situations also occurred. Isabelle colman passed away by falling from a high balcony. Brisbane teenager Harrison kadell was drowned in a swimming pool at Fijian resort last year. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade smart traveler website advised students to stay safe and look after each other at such events.

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